
Sunday School (3 yrs–grade 5)

Sunday School at Bethesda Lutheran Church meets at 10:15am after the 9:00am worship service.  It includes music and Bible learning. 

VBS (3 yrs–grade 6)

Each year during the summer a week of Vacation Bible School is offered here at Bethesda. This is a free ministry available to anyone and everyone in the community. VBS usually includes Bibles stories, skits, singing, games, snacks, art, and much more.

Children and Family Events (all ages)

Throughout the year there will also be other events and activities geared toward young children and families. Some of these events may include: Christmas program, Winter Fun Day, Easter Egg Hunt, cookouts, and family camp.

Nursery (infants to 4 year olds)

A supervised nursery filled with age-appropriate toys is available during the 9:00am worship service on Sunday mornings. The nursery is located in the basement to the left of the kitchen.

First Communion (grade 4)

Here at Bethesda we recommend that children begin taking communion in fourth grade. In order to prepare for this important day, children and parents are invited to come to a 1st Communion Class.